This body of work speaks to Mariapaola McGurk’s personal journey grappling with her mother’s Alzheimer’s disease alongside the reality that we all must carry our load and fight off our weariness, our sadness, our despair.
So, I put on my ‘Rose tinted glasses’ and walk boldly to my own tune before the inevitable fracturing starts to happen.

Everything continues.

Nothing is the same anymore, yet everything continues.

Work must be done. Kids must get to school. Bills must be paid. Food must be cooked. Meetings must be had. Domestic life and all its micro bits and pieces carry on.

So, we all put on our ‘varying shades’ of tinted glasses to be the people we know we are expected to be.

To hide behind. To cry behind. To shield us from a world that is unkind and unfair. To view a different world where this is not the reality.

All in the hope that the glasses don’t shatter, and our truths, our traumas, our stark realities are all that we can see.